Royalty Free Comedy Music
Free Music Public Domain Humorous Songs

These ditties are a crack-up. Each one, unique and original. Get a laugh with these Royalty Free Comedy Music Songs.


The Burpy-Burp Song    (1:22)
Burp’n Ernie

A perfect little song to sing to your newborn as you pat their back….wait for it……..BURP!

Please make a small donation (optional) then DOWNLOAD HERE
After downloading, please choose licensing option    STANDARD LICENSE (Fee) or CREATIVE COMMONS (Free)

See the Youtube animated video of this song


the burpy-Burp song

the burpy-Burp song



Dewey’s Ditty    (2:31)
JB Skelton

Nutty uptempo song about some crackpot

Please make a small donation (optional) then DOWNLOAD HERE
After downloading, please choose licensing option    STANDARD LICENSE (Fee) or CREATIVE COMMONS (Free)

Royalty free comedy music - Dewey's Ditty

Dewey’s Ditty



Bogie Pot Pie    (2:25)
Dancin’ Gramps & the Bourbon Gurus

English song about picking your boogers

Please make a small donation (optional) then DOWNLOAD HERE
After downloading, please choose licensing option   STANDARD LICENSE (Fee) or CREATIVE COMMONS (Free)

Boogie pot pie

Bogie Pot Pie – Dancin’ Gramps & the Bourbon Gurus



The Lunchtime Blues    (4:47)
Lost European

Blues groove about trying to avoid someone at lunch

Please make a small donation (optional) then DOWNLOAD HERE
After downloading, please choose licensing option    STANDARD LICENSE (Fee) or CREATIVE COMMONS (Free)

Royalty free comedy Music - the lunchtime blues

the Lunchtime Blues – Lost European

We still have a few copies of the original ‘Job Shopper Album’ featuring these songs. You can buy it here.


Bound to Join the Nazarene    (3:03)
Morgan Greig

Bluesy Christmas song

Please make a small donation (optional) then DOWNLOAD HERE
After downloading, please choose licensing option    STANDARD LICENSE (Fee) or CREATIVE COMMONS (Free)


Bound to Join the Nazarene (No Vocal)    (3:03)
Morgan Greig

Bluesy Instrumental with some tasty guitar licks

Please make a small donation (optional) then DOWNLOAD HERE
After downloading, please choose licensing option    STANDARD LICENSE (Fee) or CREATIVE COMMONS (Free)

Royalty free comedy Music - bound to the nazarene

Bound to the Nazarene – R Morgan Greig


The Job Shopper Rap    (2:55)
The Trout Society

Rap song about living on the road

Please make a small donation (optional) then DOWNLOAD HERE
After downloading, please choose licensing option   STANDARD LICENSE (Fee) or CREATIVE COMMONS (Free)

Royalty free comedy Music - job shopper album cover

the Job Shopper Rap – the Trout Society


Royalty free comedy music from The best quality music for your personal & commercial use. Get a funny ditty 100% royalty free.
